
My Theme

I am making my theme available for anyone to download. The reason for this is that I would be very flattered to see another site that looked like mine. Realistically this was also an excuse for me to test the File Upload feature of WordPress to see how simple it was.

meta technology

Fixed for IE

Thanks to Arve Bersvendsen I found a solution (once I discovered there was a problem) to the atrocious rendering of my site by Internet Explorer. I apologize to anyone who had to look at that after I claimed the site was complete. Go get Firefox so that you can see the web as it was meant to be seen. (And while you’re at it you might want to ask Microsoft for an apology as well.)

Users of IE will not see all the beautiful effects of my style, but they will get a functional page now and see a button to get Firefox. People without IE will miss the extra button, but I prefer that they see my site with no extras.

meta technology

All Here

Well, my move from blogger is complete thanks to a WordPress plugin: Import New Blogger To WordPress. It was exceptionally smooth and I have all posts, comments, and categories from blogger. I had recreated all but one category already, but that one got moved as well. Once the plugin had done its work I took the time to move my few pictures over to my site rather than linking to their google-hosted space.

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New Items

I have added some new pages to my site in the Life section. Actually, they are old pages from previous sites. I have integrated the style for this site with these pages, but I have some legacy markup that is does not meet the XHTML standard. Eventually I will get them to meet that standard, but they look not different to human users so for now, they are up. Go take a look.

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Functionally Complete

As of now I consider my site to be functionally complete. I do not currently anticipate substantial changes to the style or structure of the site. At some point I will post my style in case anyone is interested in using or modifying it for their own site. I would like to acknowledge the people who have provided some of the resources which I have found very useful in this design.

I learned how to do the rounded corner effects with CSS from: Arve Bersvendsen @ Once I understood his code I was able to create the scalloped tab effect for my menu options. Who would have thought that my left-brained self could wax creative like that.

My header image is: “Ripples” by Jeremy Stanley @ This image is licensed under a Creative Commons – Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike license. I was thus able to crop it to fit my header. When I share my theme I will include the cropped version and the original version of the image under that same license. All other parts of my theme will be shared under a simple Creative Commons – Attribution license.

I wanted a cohesive color scheme for my site and I found the Color Palette Generator by Steve DeGraeve @ I used my header image to generate the original palette and then used the color picker to generate further colors from that palette. Steve has many other useful programs available on his site as well.


Home Again

I have been wanting to move back to my own domain but I have selfishly wanted to wait until my blog, style, and site elements were complete before making the move from a polished blogger site back to WordPress. I opted to make the jump today. I consider my site style to be adequate for the time being but the other site elements are non-existant so far. I will leave my blogger site up as long as necesary – at least until I can import all the posts and comments from blogger to WordPress (if I were on the old blogger I could do that now, but I can’t with the new blogger yet).

Welcome to my new home.

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Making a Change

I have been thinking about getting rid of comment moderation. Over the last few months the number of comments has grown, as I had hoped, but thankfully there has been no comment spam. For that reason I am getting rid of comment moderation so that comments will be immediately available when they are posted. I can still delete spam comments if they come, but unless the get bad I will leave comment moderation off. No more waiting until I get time to approve and publish your comments.


Testing Content Management Systems

I am trying to start using a content management system that is free (as in – not the free license of a system like MT) and produces valid xhtml but I am unwilling to mess with this site where everything is running so smoothly. I once tried to move to WordPress when my site went down and found that it was easy to set up, but I could not do anything. I got a blank site and no way to access the simplest publishing or administrative interface. I have no idea what was wrong but I am less excited about WordPress than I was before.

I finally found a solution. I am going to set up a blog etc. on my family genealogy site. If I get a working system I will test how easy it is to port these blogs to the new format. If I find a good combination I will change all of this, but hopefully the end users (if there are any of you) will see almost exactly what you are seeing now. I have a couple of systems to try – WordPress (it will probably get a second chance), Mambo and Drupal.



I got the family genealogy site up in skeletal fashion. Enough to know that it basically works. I can’t wait to get it fleshed out and get more people adding to it as time goes by. At the suggestion of a cousin of mine I used phpGedView to manage the gedcom files on the site. So far I am very pleased.

life technology

Genealogy Site

I have got the genealogy site that I talked about in Online Genealogy. It is located at although right now it is only a message which talks about the site before redirecting any visitors back to this site.

I will report progress on the site development here as it progresses . . . slowly.