National politics

Eight of 440

For anyone who argued that the actions of Texas CPS were justified back in April, it is telling that two more months of investigations have authorities asking for 8 children to be returned to state custody. Out of 440 children taken originally that works out to 1 in 55 or less than 2%. By my calculation that works out to a 98% overreaction in the first place – no wonder our country was founded on principles of limited government and a system of checks and balances.

In all fairness, the state seems to have learned its lesson for now as they are allowing those 8 children to remain with their parents until a hearing is convened to decided if their wish will be granted.

culture life National politics

Established Patterns

After a week on vacation it is nice to have a bit of a fresh perspective on life. We are entering a moth where we have to close on our old house in Lehi and our new house in Bountiful so there will be plenty to do. Having taken some time off I am ready to dive deeper into my job and be more productive now that I have basically adjusted to the routine of going to work every day and the new dynamics of working for a large organization (Intermountain has 30,000 employees where the largest company I had worked for before had a little over 300).

My time off also re-focused my efforts here as I consider what I am trying to accomplish. (No, this whole site is not simply a personal brain-dump where I can ramble on about anything that I happen to think.) I am going to pick up with the federalist papers and other founding documents that have disappeared from my postings in the last couple of months and I am also going to be more consistent about sharing the vision and efforts of the Downsize D.C. organization.

The more I have read about Downsize D.C. the more I believe that it fits with my vision of what needs to be done to brighten the future prospects of our nation. Downsize D.C. is dedicated to shrinking the federal government – which I think is necessary – but even for those people who disagree with many of their campaigns (and they campaign for legislation – not for legislators) I would submit that their method of providing information and tools to encourage and support individuals in taking action and being involved and informed is precisely the course to creating a healthier political process and a more empowered electorate.

Maybe I am biased, but I honestly believe that an informed, involved, and empowered electorate will naturally lead us back to a system of limited government rather than the system of unlimited governing bureaucracies that we have created over the last century.


Thanks From My Drive

Yesterday was a very eventful drive. We left by 8:00 am and got home at 12:30 am. We managed to have car trouble that looked worse than it was (it was a blown fuse but the symptoms hinted at the engine overheating or transmission problems). I just have to say thanks to all my family members who offered advise and support (some I was caravaning with and others I wasn’t), the friendly gentleman at Rimco Sales and Service in Cortez, CO and his friends at the Express Lube who looked at my car to help get me on my way.

I also want to say thanks to the Utah Highway Patrol officer who pulled me over when I was speeding to get past an impending road closure and who subsequently let me off with a warning (5 years without any blemish on my record just paid off) and explained that the road was slowed by construction but not closed (contrary to what I had been told). It turned out that the road closure in Price, UT that I had been warned about was posted for Tuesday, August 5th – I was racing for a deadline 72 hours too early.


Since I’ve Been Gone

I finally got to really look at the news tonight as I was waiting for some laundry to finish packing to return home tomorrow and I started to wonder what planet I was on as I saw two of today’s headlines in sports news:

Who knew a week could last that long.