life technology

Deseret News Has RSS

I went to look at a story in the Deseret News today and found that their site was rather unresponsive. I cam back after a couple of hours to look again and found that the site had been completely redesigned since I last looked. From a features and layout perspective it looks similar to the new York Times, although the style is still quite different (less polished). As I looked around the new site I found that they now offer RSS feeds.

I think that every news site should be offering RSS feeds. There’s no reason that people should be required to come to the site to find out if there is new content, or what that content is. The day’s of “bookmark this” and “make us your home page” are ancient history on the internet because anybody who really wants to be informed is going to be looking at multiple sources of news and information these days. If I have to visit your site to find out what you’ve got you can expect me to look elsewhere for my news.

This is not really a plug for the Deseret News. Mostly I am just excited by this because I remember looking at a variety of newspaper sites a while back for my RSS reader and there were hardly any local (read state of Utah) news organizations that had RSS feeds available. I’d still like to find something with news centered in Lehi, but at least I have one more option than before in the state.


Approaching Ames

I’m looking forward to the results of the Ames, Iowa straw poll this weekend. Because of the candidates who are skipping it I am not sure if it will have much effect on the top tier of the Republican field, but I am hoping that it will be beneficial to my favorite second tier candidtae among the Republicans, Mike Huckabee. In an interview for the Washington Post he took my preferred position on one issue where I disagree with Mitt Romney by endorsing John McCain’s stance regarding torture (or enhanced interrogation).

I would love to see Governor Huckabee in the top tier instead of someone like Rudy Giuliani who is well known but has not convinced me that he has anything more going for him than being in the right position at the right time to gain that fame. If the Ames straw poll plays out right for Huckabee, he might have a shot at breaking into the top tier and getting the exposure that he deserves in the media.


Returning . . . Sort Of

Scout Camp was a learning experience (in other words I was not happy with the results, but we got through it). Returning from Scout Camp was also enlightening. Laura canceled out internet while I was gone because our provider failed on too many times in their “service.” That left me unable to check my email or write an update until I got back to work on Monday.

When I got back to work on Monday I was flooded with things to catch up. This was not a surprise, but it prevented me from writing. Without internet access at home I could not use my evening to post updates. Tuesday was much like Monday. Now, on Wednesday, I am still busy, but I just have to get here and post that I am alive and will hopefully be posting regularly again soon. I should have internet access at home by the weekend so I will be able to play the pundit during non-work hours again by then. Until then, I’d love to post, but no promises.