
Ten Miles

I ran a full ten miles today. That’s the first time since I was running cross-country in high school. I amazed myself with the consistency of my pace. At three miles I was on pace, at six miles I was on pace, at nine miles I was still on pace. The amazing thing about it was that I had not run more than six miles prior to today. I had done some workouts on my bike that were equal to at least eight miles running, but biking and running are very different in the way they affect your energy so I was surprised that I could be so steady. That bodes well for me as my workouts get progressively longer in preparation for the marathon in July.


My Theme

I am making my theme available for anyone to download. The reason for this is that I would be very flattered to see another site that looked like mine. Realistically this was also an excuse for me to test the File Upload feature of WordPress to see how simple it was.

meta technology

Fixed for IE

Thanks to Arve Bersvendsen I found a solution (once I discovered there was a problem) to the atrocious rendering of my site by Internet Explorer. I apologize to anyone who had to look at that after I claimed the site was complete. Go get Firefox so that you can see the web as it was meant to be seen. (And while you’re at it you might want to ask Microsoft for an apology as well.)

Users of IE will not see all the beautiful effects of my style, but they will get a functional page now and see a button to get Firefox. People without IE will miss the extra button, but I prefer that they see my site with no extras.


Candidate Announcements

This 2008 election is already shaping up to be a different animal from previous presidential elections as far as how campaigns are run and how the media is involved. Over at Oval Office 2008 comes the suggestion that a candidate could make “an announcement previewing his pre-announcement of his intent to announce that he will announce.” I’d say that pretty well covers our news coverage of presidential candidates. That caused me to chuckle because those who follow politics pretty well know who is (or will be) running and those who don’t follow politics almost certainly don’t care this far in advance. The only reason I care about the announcements is that I use that (or rather, the formal FEC filing that goes with it) as the line of demarcation between those I study for endorsement and those I don’t.


Interesting Idea

So, this idea of a Redesigned alphabet is apparently not new. I was intrigued by the alphabet shown on Northtemple but I but I was less impressed by the font I found from the comments under the original post. The idea is interesting, and there could certainly be some interesting alphabets generated which have identical upper and lower case, but as proven by my links, smallcaps can simulate the effect with any font available so it’s not that hard to do. I’m almost tempted to make this post in small caps to prove the point.