Local politics State

I’m In

Well, I’ve been struggling with the question of whether I should run to replace Jim Nielson in House District 19 since he announced that he won’t run for another term. Apparently Mike Leavitt told Mitt Romney about it and Mitt took the time to share his thoughts:

Email From Mitt


With that encouragement how could I not take the leap. I’m glad that Mitt is using his iPad to dispense so much wisdom. The people of House District 19 will be the beneficiaries of it.

Thanks for your support Mitt. On to victory!

technology thoughts

Collision of Worlds

While reading an article on Google Glass in Wired I was struck by one idea:

I wore the future across my brow… The future is coming to your face too. And your wrist. (emphasis added)

The “brow” is obviously a reference to Google Glass. The wrist is easily a reference to the iWatch. Both of these products are expected to be available this year. What struck me though was remembering the words in Revelation 13 about the mark of the beast:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. (emphasis added)

Google Glass and iWatch
The forehead and the right hand…

I thought of being more blatant by adding “666” to the image on or above the respective devices but my intent isn’t to disparage either of these companies or even to honestly suggest that such devices constitute the mark of the beast. (For one thing, the passage in Revelation 13 seems to imply a mark that isn’t removable.) My intent was to share the connection my mind forged while reading the Wired article.


Digital Dissociative Identity Disorder

If you were to look at my email inbox and my twitter feed you would discover that besides being a regular(ish) guy I am also the former mayor of Toronto, a businessman (and former mayor of Elkhart) in Indiana, a playwright in New York, and a professional cricketer in South Africa.

I can only imagine how confusing my digitalĀ Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder) would be if I also got communication for the former mayor of Lubbock, Texas who also shares my name.