life technology

Males and Power Tools

Working next to a major construction site I have been interested to see the reactions of myself and others working in my area. Despite the fact that we are all professionals in careers of our choosing we are also very interested in the work being done by the construction workers – who are in careers completely different from our own.

Usually when a loud sound draws many of us to the windows to see what just fell (the food court last week and much of a parking terrace today) the men tend to stay near the windows longer and often there is at least one person making comments about how exciting it would be to operate one of the large construction vehicles that are destroying buildings and sifting debris. We seem to watch a wrecking ball or a backhoe with the same interest that a three year old watches a cordless drill in action.

Speaking only for myself, it is not the destruction that makes it look interesting it is the skill of being able to manipulate heavy machinary to accomplish sometimes delicate work.


Father of Daughters

As Laura was going out to visit a neighbor she (or one of our girls who was going with her) found one of our naked barbie dolls on the sidewalk up the street (has anyone noticed that barbie dolls are naked almost all the time) and threw it back toward the house. I went with Mariah to retrieve it from the street. Mariah saw it and said “Annalise.” I looked at it and told her that it was Erika, not Annalise.

First of all, every barbie looks alike aside from skin tone, or hair color, but secondly, Annalise and Erika are supposed to look exactly alike (except for their hair color) in the Barbie movie they star in. It just made me realize that my life is not my own anymore when I can tell the difference between them and take the time to point it out to my toddler.

I am a father of daughters.