life pictures

Revealing Personalities

It’s always interesting to me to see the little ways that the kids display their unique personalities. Recently I noticed them coming through on Tap Fish, a game I have on my iPod. The game is a virtual aquarium and I allowed each of the kids to have their own tank. Because I don’t allow them to play the game anytime they want, and because the fish in the tanks will dies if neglected for too long (two full days according to the documentation), I make a habit of going in every day to feed their fish, just in case they won’t get an opportunity soon. Other than my basic maintenance I don’t do anything with the kids’ tanks, they each have complete control of what they put in the tank in the way of fish and tank decorations.

At first I limited what they could buy so that no one child would use up all the virtual money at the expense of the others but once I built up a sizable reserve of coins I dropped that restriction and it has been interesting to see each tank take on it’s own character according to the person who owned it.

Please note that I would not presume to read much into looking at the tanks if I did not get to see the other aspects of each child’s life as well.


Winning the Contest

Yesterday at church was apparently a contest of wills between Isaac and me. He was acting up and causing a disturbance in sacrament meeting and I took him outside. Eventually he won his way back in only to have Laura take him out a few minutes later after renewed disturbance. Laura came back in a few minutes later sans Isaac and informed me that Isaac only wanted me. I went outside to where he was sitting and talked to him. He wanted to go home and take a nap. As we talked I explained to him that he was tired because he had been struggling with me in a struggle that he could not win. I told him that I did not want to take him home but that I would be happy to let him take a nap in my arms. Due to his continued sobbing I finally asked if he would be willing to take a short nap at home and come back in time for the last hour of church. He agreed to that and I collected Enoch (so that Laura would not have to take care of the baby while teaching her Sunday School class) and left as sacrament meeting was drawing to a close.

As soon as we got home and closed the garage door Isaac announced that: “I won the contest.” I asked him what contest he was talking about and he told me he won the contest with me about us going home.

Not to be outdone I decided to turn the tables on Isaac. (Yes, that’s dad, competing with his three year old in mind games.) I asked Isaac if the whole idea was to win the contest. He said that it was and so I asked if we could go back to church now that he had won the contest. He agreed. I quickly took the opportunity to put in my contacts (that I had forgotten before church) and then we went back to church before the chapel had even cleared from the meeting.

As we parked Isaac said that he wanted to go home and take a nap. I reminded him that he had already won the contest and had agreed to come back because of that so he went in and I took him to primary. I was feeling pretty proud of myself – I figured that I had won the contest after all – although I would not say such a thing to Isaac. Later I saw Laura in the hall between meetings and I explained how we had been able to come back to church so quickly because of Isaac winning the contest. After we got home from church Isaac announced to Laura that: “Dad won the contest.”

Apparently he recognized that he had been outmaneuvered even without me rubbing it in.


Getting Carried Away

Kids do the darndest things – especially if you blink. Today, while we were out learning about the options for a swingset we stopped at IKEA for some food. After we were done I took the kids toward the car while Laura just had to walk through the toy area of IKEA. I loitered with the kids near the entrance while waiting for Laura and as I was trying to get all the kids to go engage themselves in the drawing easels to pass the time (as Savannah was already doing) Alyssa suddenly tried to get my attention regarding Isaac. Not really hearing her I glanced at Isaac to find him going up the escalator ON THE OUTSIDE. He was hanging by his hands being carried up the outside of the escalator over a concrete floor.

I ran towards him to grab him off before he got out of reach but as I got to where he was and tried to stop myself and grab him the laws of physics reminded me that the shoes I was wearing had absolutely no traction. I went down in a heap next to the escaltor. Thankfully a woman who had seen this little boy rising in the air grabbed Isaac as I went down and set him next to me. Thus we could get a good laugh out of the whole thing (after we got the other kids to quit grabbing the escalator rail and left the building).

So while the whole thing could have been disasterous I am left wishing there was some video footage that I could play back so I could see what it looked like from an objective view.


“I Want . . .”

Isaac has a habit – that seems pretty normal for his age – of changing his mind every second. Normally this is irritating to me, but this morning we had a very sweet little instance of this.

He came out of his room after waking up (he’s often the first one up) and came to where I was studying. He asked for a hotdog (a normal morning request for him). I said okay and he immediately asked me to hold him. I picked him up and he snuggled into my shoulder and asked to go to bed. I asked him a couple of times to make sure that he really meant that (not wanting to get in trouble if I was mistaken) and then I carried him to bed. He went right to sleep and did not wake up before I left for work.

culture life meta technology

It Takes a Village

Most people have heard the proverb “it takes a village to raise  a child,” especially since it was made more famous by the book “authored” by Hillary Clinton when she as the First Lady. (Personally I doubt that she “actually wrote the book” as she claims. She probably commissioned it, helped edit it for content, approved it, and wrote the acknowledgment section.) Of course, Mrs. Clinton meant that society was very important in raising a child – which is true on the surface – but the real value in the proverb is not what it means about child-rearing as what it means about society. What I take it to mean for society is that we must build societies that are large enough to provide the support necessary to raise a child to adulthood and intimate enough that each child is more than a statistic in the process. That’s the main problem with the government approach – government solutions must reduce everyone to no more than a statistic. A village, in other words, consists of those outside the immediate family who are familiar and trusted by each other (both children and adults) and who have an interest in the successful raising of the children in the village.

A perfect example of the village approach occurred last night. We went to see a performance of Annie being put on by Bountiful High. Soon after we arrived we ran into my cousins, JP and Marie Feinauer. The kids were well behaved for the first song, but then their ages began to catch up with them. Isaac started running up and down the aisle. He wasn’t very noisy, but with the light coming from the open doors at the back he cast a long (and distracting) shadow. Mariah was pretty good, except that she had to keep switching laps. Alyssa could not seem to stop herself from changing seats, bouncing, and talking (without her whisper voice). Savannah was perfectly behaved. Considering how late it was (late for young children) we decided that we needed to leave at intermission, but that was really not fair to Savannah who was enjoying the show and acting appropriately. This is where JP and Marie, members of our village, come into our story. At intermission I asked if the Feinauer’s would be willing to drive Savannah home at the end of the show. They agreed.

Because they were there, and were trusted by both us and Savannah, we were able to take the three home who were not acting appropriate to the setting while allowing Savannah to stay. Not only was this fair for all of the children, but being able to make that distinction showed in a very tangible way what behavior was appropriate at a public performance. I honestly expect that at the next public performance we attend Alyssa will act appropriately (and possibly even Mariah) because of the lesson from last night – made possible because of some help from our village.


Home Again

You’d think that after three days in Disney World (after the conference sessions each day, of course) that I would be disappointed to come home knowing that the menu would be items like macaroni and cheese and then being greeted by the news that Mariah was feeling sick. While all of that was true (about the macaroni and Mariah) I am very excited to be back home with the kids, being able to watch Isaac as he runs into the bathroom to lift up the toilet seat for me when he hears me say something about the potty. As far as I know he had never done anything like that before Laura and I left for Florida.

As nice as it is to get away for a while, I can’t believe that anyone would choose to be carefree all the time if they have the option of watching kids grow and surprise you instead.

life pictures

My Sign

I thought it would be fun to show the sign I made for our front lawn announcing Isaac’s arrival.


Big Day Today

Today was a big day for me.

Laura and Isaac came home from the hospital. Both are doing very well. The girls are excited to have their brother home – especially Mariah. I got to take the candidate yard sign I had and flip it around. Now it reads “It’s a boy.”

Today was the day that potential employer #2 had promised to give me an answer. There was a little bit of a glitch this morning as they were trying to come to a final decision. That made a bit more work for me. They did make their decision finally and now I was able to make mine. I am going with employer #1 who has made a very generous offer and has been very patient in allowing me to field another offer. Here we are, 12 days after their initial offer, and they are being gracious enough to allow me to start next Monday so I can help with my new baby.

On top of that it was election day. I voted.

life pictures

Pictures as Promised

Here is the first picture I took of Isaac.

This picture was two experiments combined – first, use the self timer on the camera (I had never done that with this camera before); and second, get four children to look at the camera at the right time. I cropped the image, but this is us, today, after I brought the girls to the hospital from church.

One more of Isaac – lest we forget who’s day it is.


Welcome Isaac

The surprise today was that Isaac decided to have a birthday. Stats and story follow.

Name: Isaac David Miller
Arrived: 7:13 am 11/5/2006
Weight: 7 lbs. 3 oz.
Length: 18 1/2 inches

At 4:45 Laura woke me up saying “I think we’re going to have a baby today.” She had been timing contractions since 3:30 after they had been waking her up since 12:00. Laura had been wanting to wait until her mom got home this afternoon, but Isaac had other plans. We called our friend, Kandice, to come watch our two sleeping children and Savannah (who was awake for all of this). I had to pack the bags and call the midwife on duty. Laura and I got dressed and rushed to the hospital.

Laura was 8 cm dilated by the time we arrived around 5:45 – it’s a good thing we had pre-registered after Laura’s last checkup – and she was at a 10 within an hour. They barely had time to get an epidural in her. Isaac’s head was nearly out by the time Laura realized that he was crowning. He came after about 10 minutes of pushing. Aside from the extra pain – the epidural was just kicking in – it was the easiest birth we’ve had.

Isaac was almost 3 weeks early so we were not expecting this, but he and Laura are doing great. In our rush to get to the hospital we forgot the camera. We will have pictures up in the next few days.

P.S. Thanks to Kandice for her supporting role.