
After #MeToo

Image from BBC News

I read an article arguing that we should have a zero-tolerance attitude toward sexual predators and felt compelled to write an argument for a more realistic approach. I realize now that part of my feeling was a visceral reaction to the zero-tolerance concept which has frequently resulted in outrageously unreasonable consequences over things less serious than sexual predators in places such as elementary schools.

Like all pushes for zero-tolerance – regardless of the subject – the basic idea was rooted in good intentions and certainly deserves thoughtful consideration (as opposed to a visceral reaction). I loved the open callout against partisanship – demanding that Democrats go no softer on Sen. Franken or Rep. Conyers than they do on Roy Moore just as Republicans should go not one ounce softer on Roy Moore than they do on Sen. Franken or Rep. Conyers. (Hint, hint, Mr. President) That part I wholeheartedly agree on.

culture politics

A Hidden Danger for Children

Image By Don Hankins

Identity theft is certainly not a danger anyone should take lightly but parents should be especially attuned to this danger because children are at higher risk to be victims of identity theft and, because they are children the crime is less likely to be discovered in a timely manner. Adults are more likely to be using their credit and checking their credit scores and thus are more likely to become alerted to identity theft in a timely manner. For children, the very fact of having a credit score is usually an indication that their identities have been stolen. The question is, what can parents do about this.

culture politics

One Good Decision

I would not try to claim that one good decision can negate a series of very bad choices, but I think that Michael Rodriguez deserves to be acknowledged for his choice to skip an endless series of appeals. Instead he has chosen to pay the only price he can for the crimes he has comitted. I think that many people can learn a lesson from this.

We live in a country governed by laws and we should stand accountable for the choices that we make. We should not seek to shirk our accountability for any reason, whether because the price of our choices is to high or because we feel we are above the law.

Thanks to Scott for sharing one good example and one poor example of accountability.