
Best-Of Comments

Have you ever wanted to share your favorite comments on the front page of your site? I’m not talking about the most recent comments, or the most frequent contributors, but the best comments (most funny, most thoughtful, most appropriate, most rash – whatever your criteria may be). Now you can.

Best-Of Comments allows anyone with the ability to edit comments to mark a comment as “featured” and then featured comments will be randomly selected and displayed anywhere you choose to place the php call to best_of_comments(). You can select how comments are displayed, how many to display, and how much of a comment to display (if comments are longer than the specified word length they contain a link back to the original comment). In the future you will have the ability to limit how far in the past to look for featured comments.

Latest Version 1.2 (December 15, 2009)

Discovered a function call that allowed other plugins which alter the content to possibly interfere with the display of featured comments.


Keeping Up In Silence

I would think by now that I would be smart enough to predict that it would be hard to keep up with blogging when I am simultaneously starting a new job and moving from Utah County to Davis County. Despite how predictable this challenge should have been in foresight, I have been disappointed that I have not had the time to write those few things that I have been thinking about.

I just wanted to take the time to assure everyone that despite my silence (in new posts and as a voice in the comments) I am paying attention to what is being said and I am trying to make time to be as active in the conversation(s) as I always prefer.

culture technology

Open Up on Blogger

This is an open suggestion to Bloggers who use Blogger – specifically those who are restrictive on allowing comments.

Once upon a time there were three options for who could comment (assuming that you allowed comments on the blog in the first place). The options were Anyone, Registered Users, and Members of the Blog. I can understand the drawbacks of allowing anyone to comment but not everyone uses blogger – that makes for less than ideal choices to be made.

Recently there has been a new option added. Registered users used to mean people with blogger accounts but that has become “Users with Google Accounts.” The new “Registered Users” option allows people to use WordPress, TypePad, AIM/AOL, or LiveJournal identities to make comments. This is nice because users like me are no longer forced to use a defunct identity to comment. Please consider using the new “Registered Users” option if you currently only allow Users with Google Accounts.