
Academic Weakness

I have recently recognized that one of my primary academic weaknesses is that I become intensely interested in everything I study. When I started out my interest in education was instructional design. Later I took a class in assessment, not because I was interested in it bet because it was convenient for my situation. By the time I finished my masters degree I had an emphasis in assessment and a goal to continue my studies in that area. At the beginning of my doctoral program I had not even been formally introduced to the study of social computing, but there was a doctoral seminar on the subject and I decided to take it. Less than halfway through the semester I am finding myself increasingly interested in social computing and I am convinced that there is much to be studied, understood and applied to education related to that subject. At this rate I will drop out of my doctoral program after 10 years and be interested in all areas of educational technology without having mastered any one of them because I will never have been able to sit down and focus on one area long enough to complete my PhD.

I am determined to not let that happen, but I find it exhilarating, exhausting and disturbing that everything becomes so interesting as to begin to consume my thoughts. It is a wonder that I can concentrate on more than one class in any given semester.


Social Computing Experiment

I have been introduced to an experiment in Social computing by some members of AECT called The Overlay. If anyone is interested in looking at their system and what they have done they are looking for people to play around with it. It is still somewhat rough and under developed, but it is worth a look for those who are curious and they certainly would like any feedback you may have.



I have long known that some people will do things one way and other people in the same situation will do things a different way. I have incorporated my blog into this social computing class and a few other people have as well, but most of the class have chosen not to do so. There is nothing wrong with that, but I recognize some benefits that would come if we were all blogging as a means of communication for our ideas. There is the preface. . .

As I read about the work of Heidegger (Dourish p. 109) I began to recognize why the blog is so easy for me to use and to see why others look at it as an oddity. For me the blog is ready-to-hand because I already had it set up. I did not have to create my blog, I am comfortable with the world of blogging, I have my computer with me almost constantly and I have created tools that give me access to publish on my blog almost instantly. Now I begin to recognize that the blog would be present-at-hand for most other people in the class. They would have to set up the blog. They would have to get used to the rhythm of blogging (thinking of something and deciding to share it with others, finding something to share and making sure to create links and references to the source) and they would have to take the time to acquire the tools that would make the blog useful or ready-to-hand. I have tried to facilitate the ready-to-handness in previous postings (RSS Tools) but I must not confuse the availability of tools with the familiarity with those tools.

It would not be completely easy for others to pick up blogging merely because of this class, but that does not mean that the benefits of blogging are not worth the effort for those who are willing to pick up the tools and learn. In short, it is worthwhile, but I must not get trapped into thinking that because it is easy for me it will be easy for others.


Noema and Noesis

It is interesting to read about noema and noesis (Dourish p. 105). I was struck by the fact that we have to recognize something and we have to also distinguish between seeing it, or remembering it or imagining it. It reminds me of the fact that my two year old does not understand the difference between dreams and reality. When she wakes up with a bad dream she may think that she was remembering reality or else experiencing reality. She does not recognize a dream as some sore of imagination of non-reality.


Interesting Discussion

Here is an interesting discussion at Situativity regarding the uses of blogs. One of the problems that I find as far as reaching the critical mass is that people blogging in education do not seem to be a typical sample of people in education which means that the content of educational blogs is not typical of the conversation in the field of education.


Social Computing Patterns

Part of the fun of the Social Computing class is that we can look at ourselves and evaluate the social computing of our class. One way we have done that is to interview other members of the class regarding the group work they are involved in for the class. That gives us a view of the social computing taking place within groups and on team assignments.

Taking a larger view of the class as a whole, I have been evaluating my use of a blog for the class journal requirement. One reason that I wanted to blog my class journal entries was that I wanted them to be accessible to people outside the class so that I could get feedback from a wider audience. Very quickly I realized that there would be another large benefit to the class if everybody were blogging regularly – blogging on a regular basis would allow for people to have a much more interactive type of conversation between class members because of the nature of RSS publishing.

In one of my entries I talked about having a week long conversation rather than a 36 hour conversation every week. I was referring to the fact that most of the blogging done for class is done within the 36 hours before our class meets. It occurred to me that I might not be checking the discussion boards frequently enough and the discussion might be happening there – although I believe that to be a less convenient way to have the discussion. I looked through the discussion boards and found that the majority of posts to the discussion boards take place – amazingly – within the 36 hours before our class meets.

My conclusion is that there is a student pattern of focusing closely on the topic related to class right before there will be some face to face accountability. I claim no superiority in this regard, but cognitively I know that what should be happening for the most effective learning to take place is for the conversation to be continuous. We should be thinking a little bit and then sharing a little bit and then thinking a little bit more about what others have shared throughout the week.

I am not sure if this pattern can be changed within the short span of a semester, but I will try personally to get myself out of that rut – not only for this class, but for all my classes. Perhaps we can talk about this in preparation for our next class, but that is unlikely since nobody is likely to come look at my posting until 36 hours before we meet again.


Ubiquitous Computing

I have been thinking about ubiquitous computing since our discussion in class and I think I have the best current example of ubiquitous computing – Shadow netWorkspace. Not that Shadow is alone in that distinction, but it is one we can all relate to. I can be at any computer in the world with internet access and log on to Shadow and create, upload and view documents. I can keep up with anything that the rest of the class is doing there as well. I do not have to carry any hardware with me because the necessary tool (computer with internet access) is available almost anywhere that I go.

Come to think of it, my blog is accessible from any computer too.


Good Catch

I do not think this little fact can ever be overemphasized: Learning Theory Does NOT = Instructional Design Theory. The minute we confuse our prescriptive theories with the descriptive theories upon which they are based it becomes impossible to accurately study or develop our theories.

Learning theory is a descriptive theory and instructional design theory is a prescriptive theory which should have learning theory as a base.

Good catch on that one Rovy.



I thought it was very interesting to read about the Chicago School in the context of movements within the fields of anthropology and sociology. After reading about the Chigaco School in Where the Action Is (Dourish 2001 p.62) all my confusion was cleared up from the beginning of the Strauss book.


RSS Tools

I talked about how RSS would be the best way to keep up with class blogs. In case anyone is interested in using RSS, I have found a page that lists some good RSS readers for any platform – RSS Readers. If you use Firefox as your browser (or possibly even Mozilla) there is a plugin called Sage that you can install here to have an RSS reader built right into your browser. If you choose to use an RSS reader and want the class blogs I have created an OPML file that you can import (I believe with any of the readers listed on that page) with all of our class blogs (3 so far) I will add more if others start blogging. You can download the OPML file here.